Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 31, 2013

25 weeks

There is nothing much new to share going on around here.  We spent our day off on Friday working in the yard and getting it in order.  I then colored some Easter eggs.  It's a yearly tradition to try and make the ugliest egg possible.  I accidentally made an attractive one instead.

G finished up the nursery last week.  All he has to do is a few touch-ups here and there and make the shelves for over the crib.  The lighting in this room is very strange so the pictures don't turn out true to life.

My sister was over and we were taking pictures last night.  G insisted I have my picture taken even though I did not want to nor was I dressed to be doing so.  You can't even really tell I'm pregnant... just "too many beers" as one of my students told me lately.

I am still at the gym three times a week doing cardio and lifting light weights but then I come home and put some ice cream down.  Oh well.

Here's a few favorite randoms from yesterday.

This coming week I will be back at the doctor for the blood glucose screening.  Then I start going once every two weeks.  Let's hope the bedding actually comes in this week as well.  We end our week with G turning 29 Friday and Hman turning 5 Saturday.  Busy, busy.

Friday, March 22, 2013

San Diego

Last week, during my Spring Break, we ventured out to San Diego.  It has been so cold here and I have been freezing this whole winter I was excited to go to Cali and find some warmer weather.  Too bad the weather was warmer in Dallas.  Just our luck.

We started out after lunch Wednesday at the USS Midway.  I thought it would be horrible and boring but it really wasn't.  It was a bit difficult getting my big butt through all the tiny stairways and openings but we had fun.

G made me get in the brig as I was wearing stripes that day.  Some random tourist also took my picture.  It was a little creepy.

Thursday we spent the day at the zoo.  It is extremely hilly at the San Diego Zoo.  We saw all kinds of awesome animals but my favorite was the Galapagos turtles.  Their oldest is 150 years old and 400 pounds.

When we were looking at a cheetah a zoo keeper told us to hold on a moment because they were about to transfer a cheetah across the street in front of us.  I was a little scared to take its picture as I didn't want to spook it.  He was on a regular dog collar and walking better than Herman does on a leash.

Friday was a strange day.  We started out at a car museum that had a Low Rider exhibit. There was a beautiful old Cadillac on display as well.

We then headed out to Coronado Island to walk around and shop and go to the beach.  We bought nothing for ourselves, just a collar for Herman and some decor for the baby's room.

The water was so cold.  The weather wasn't too cold but if the water touched your feet you thought you may pee yourself.

For dinner we headed up to La Jolla and stopped at the cove to see the seals.  Those pictures are on my iPhone so I don't have them right now.  There were so many of them it was crazy... and cold.  We came home on Saturday to beautiful warm sunny weather, nicer than San Diego.  Now a week later it's back to cold, rainy nasty weather in Dallas.  Boo.

Friday, March 8, 2013

22 Weeks

I had my latest appointment yesterday with the doctor.  Not much to report because it was just one of those boring visits.  Her heart rate is 145 bpm.  I am measuring at 23 weeks which is a little ahead but not too much.

We are progressing on the baby's room now.  We got a swatch of the fabric last weekend so we could go to Lowe's and pick out paint.  I had to order a swatch because the bedding won't be in for several weeks.  It seems like everything about this whole process takes forever.  The furniture won't even be here for another month.  We barely have anything for her still but I have several swim suits.  Priorities.

We settled on two colors.  The lighter color is called Candy Hearts and will be the upper section of the wall.
We tried to find the closest match possible to the bedding and went with First Kiss.  It will be the bottom half of the wall.
This will be the most color in any room in our house and I'm kind of scared.  I am really hoping it turns out well and will match the bedding once it comes in.