Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 8, 2013

22 Weeks

I had my latest appointment yesterday with the doctor.  Not much to report because it was just one of those boring visits.  Her heart rate is 145 bpm.  I am measuring at 23 weeks which is a little ahead but not too much.

We are progressing on the baby's room now.  We got a swatch of the fabric last weekend so we could go to Lowe's and pick out paint.  I had to order a swatch because the bedding won't be in for several weeks.  It seems like everything about this whole process takes forever.  The furniture won't even be here for another month.  We barely have anything for her still but I have several swim suits.  Priorities.

We settled on two colors.  The lighter color is called Candy Hearts and will be the upper section of the wall.
We tried to find the closest match possible to the bedding and went with First Kiss.  It will be the bottom half of the wall.
This will be the most color in any room in our house and I'm kind of scared.  I am really hoping it turns out well and will match the bedding once it comes in. 

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